As you and I know, when it comes to food, there’s big trouble.
The food supply is contaminated with hormones, antibiotics, GMOs, chemical cocktails, and toxic pesticides. Industrialized agriculture is polluting our air and water, treating animals with immense cruelty, and even fueling climate change. That’s why I’m inviting you to join in the 2014 Food Revolution Summit. From April 26 to May 4, the Food Revolution Summit, hosted by John and Ocean Robbins, will be broadcasting every day three 30-minute interviews with the thought leaders of the food movement. Among the 24 presenters is Michael F. Jacobson, Executive Director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (creators of Food Day) along with Alicia Silverstone and Woody Harrelson. Join in for FREE! You’ll hear about popular topics like gluten, sugar, fat, fair trade, and what it’s going to take to feed a world of more than 7 billion people. You can listen via phone (conference call) or over the internet. Click here to learn more. What is the Food Revolution Summit? The Food Revolution Summit is a globally broadcast event running from April 26th – May 4th with more than 20 inspiring speakers! You can listen in the comfort and convenience of your own home, from your computer or phone. Register here for FREE. Click here to learn about The 2014 Food Revolution Summit Without a revolution, we are left in the hands of companies like Monsanto, Dow Chemical and Coca-Cola, who have spent tens of millions of dollars in recent years trying to stop anything that would interfere with their relentless pursuit of profits. I know you agree with me that nothing is more important than protecting the food we eat. Join me at the Food Revolution Summit to get informed and to get involved! P.S. There’s no cost to attend the online Food Revolution Summit (4/26-5/4). Get your access details here>>. Comments are closed.
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